
Whether this is your first time here, or just in need of a refresher, this page will explains everything you need to know to play Battle for Olympia.

The Interface
Radiant Deer
Rubber Dorena

This is your display name and your opponent's display name! Here, you can also see the color assigned to you. Player 1 will be assigned a red color, while player 2 will be assigned a blue color.

Points : 45
Your turn now!
Points : 45
Waiting for Rubber Dorena's actions...

This shows your current remaining points and whose turn currently this is.

Game Field

And this is the game field! This is where most of your interactions will be made! You can click on the tiles/cells to see what actions you can do.
The colors represents your Units/Buildings and your opponent's Units/Buildings.
So, if you are player 1, your Units will be colored red, and your Buildings will have a red outline on the tile/cell it is in.
If you are player 2, your Units will be colored blue, and your Buildings will have a blue outline on the tile/cell it is in.

Win Conditions
Three (3) ways you can win a game :
  • Capture the opponent's Castle.
  • Defeat the opponent's King and the opponent cannot create a new King in 3 turns.
  • Your opponent surrendered.
  • What do I have?

    Upon starting the game, each Players will have :

    A Castle, with 4 Towers on each cardinal direction.
    A King. Each Players can only have at most one (1) King.
    Points : 30
    Your turn now!
    30 Points. Players will receive more Points at the end of their turn, based on the Building(s) they currently have. Points can be used to create more Unit(s).

    Units are the main point of this game, since most of the game's interaction are made with your Units.  To be able to win the game, effective management of your Units is crucial through these actions :

  • Move your Units around
  • Attack enemy Units
  • Defend your Units

  • Each Unit have a couple of stat points :
  • HP (Health Points)
    When HP reaches zero (0), this Unit is defeated and will disappear from the field.
  • MP (Movement Points)
    Determines how far a Unit can move in a turn. Replenish every turn.
  • Attack
    When this Unit attacks opponent's Unit, this value determines the amount of damage (HP reduction) the target Unit receives.
  • Attack Range
    Determines how far this Unit can attack opponent's Unit.

  • There are four (4) unit types, each having different status and characteristics :

    Max HP 100
    Max MP 3
    Attack 25
    Attack Range 1
    Passive Ability -
    Max HP 60
    Max MP 2
    Attack 20
    Attack Range 1
    Passive Ability -
    Max HP 40
    Max MP 3
    Attack 15
    Attack Range 3
    Passive Ability -
    Max HP 40
    Max MP 1
    Attack 10
    Attack Range 1
    Passive Ability Heals 10 HP to every friendly units near this Mage.

    Buildings are structures found across the game field. They are also important, since :

  • they are the only places you can create new Units.
  • provide Points each turn.
  • grant your Units buff effects.

  • There are three (3) types of Buildings :

    Contributes 8 points every turn.
    Contributes 2 points every turn.
    Contributes 4 points every turn.

    When Unit wants to move and/or to attack, Distance needs to be calculated between the Unit's current position and the desired destination/attack target's position. Battle for Olympia uses taxicab geometry/Manhattan geometry to calculate distances.
    Some examples :

    Distance : 1 Units with 1 MP can only move to adjacent tiles like this. Units with 1 Attack Range can only attack opponent's Unit(s) located in adjacent tiles.
    Distance : 2 Units with 2 MP (or 2 Attack Range) can move (or attack opponent's Units) diagonally like this.
    Distance : 3 Units with 3 MP (or 3 Attack Range) can move (or attack opponent's Units) even further away.
    Moving Unit
    Demo of moving a Unit
    Unit can move every turn, depending on the amount of MP the Unit have (refer to the Distance section). Unit cannot move to a tile that already has another Unit (be it your Unit or your opponent's Unit).
    Unit's MP will replenish to it's maximum MP every turn.
    Demo of moving a Unit by drag and drop
    Aside from opening the dropdown menu, you can also move your Unit(s) by drag and drop. On mobile, tap and hold first before moving.
    Capturing Buildings
    You can move your Unit towards a un-claimed Building, or towards your opponent's Building.
    The Building will be captured and yours on the next turn. You will now receive and enjoy the benefits of the Building you just captured.
    Creating New Units
    Demo of creating new Units on an owned Building
    You can create more Unit(s) on one of your owned Building(s). The Building must be free of any other Unit (be it your Unit or opponent's Unit) in order to be able to create a new Unit.
    Newly-created Unit(s) cannot move, attack, and defend, on the same turn they are created. They will be able to move/attack/defend on the next turn.
    Attacking Units
    Demo of defending a Unit
    Once an opponent's Unit is in your Unit attack range, you can order your Unit to attack the opponent's Unit.

    Damage (HP reduction) received by the opponent's Unit is based on your Unit's Attack. If your Unit is in attack range of your opponent's Unit and the opponent's Unit is not defeated, your Unit will receive counter-attack damage, based on half of the opponent Unit's Attack stat.  If your Unit or the opponent's Unit has any Attack Up or Defense Up effects, this will be taken in range, both in the initial attack your Unit dealt and the counter-attack the opponent's Unit will do.

    A Unit can only attack once every turn.
    Defending Units
    Demo of defending a Unit
    If you do not want your Unit to move and/or attack on this turn, you can choose to Defend instead. Defending will :
  • replenish 5 HP
  • receives +2 Attack Up effect
  • receives +2 Defense Up effect

  • The Attack Up & Defense Up effect will persist for two turns (this turn and your next turn).

    Once your Unit is defending, the Unit cannot move or attack any more during this turn. It will be able to move again on your next turn.