Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do you have a mobile app?
Not yet! We are working to release an Android app of Battle for Olympia. We can't give any timeline on this, however, so it might take a while before a mobile app of Battle for Olympia will be made and published.

In the meantime, you can visit this website on your browser of choice on mobile and add this website as a shortcut on your mobile's home screen!Brave Browser's 'Add to home screen' buttonFind the 'Add to home screen' button on your browser's menu. I am using Brave Browser for this example.Rename the shortcutYou can rename the shortcut name, but we recommend you keep it as default like shown. After that, tap 'Add'.Add to home screenNext, either tap 'Add to home screen' button, or just tap, hold, and drag the icon to the home screen.Battle for Olympia shortcut on home screenThere we go! A shortcut to Battle for Olympia is now on your mobile's home screen!
Why do I need to sign up & log in to my account to create a private room?
Short answer : Our server resource is limited.

We wanted to make sure that every one can create a private room and play with their friends. At the same time, we don't have infinite resources for our servers, very limited resources, in fact. So, for now, we are limiting private room creations to users that have logged in to their account. This is also to (try to) combat spammers from bogging down our servers.

Your friends who are joining the room does not need an account and log in, they can simply join the room. Only the creator of the private room needs to log in.
I like Battle for Olympia! How do I support you?

Well, thank you!
We accept donations primarily through Ko-fi (accept most major cards & Paypal, can set up monthly donations) :

Buy Me a Coffee at

For Indonesian users, you can also donate through Saweria (accept QRIS) :

Saweria Logo
Support us on Saweria

Your donations are very helpful in keeping Battle for Olympia servers running, maintaining and improving Battle for Olympia, and to fuel other (future) projects from Radiant Deer.
We understand if you can't donate to us yet; your patronage to our website/apps/games are still greatly appreciated!